[WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: unprovisioned

PLAY [Deploy initial device configuration] *************************************

TASK [Set variables that cannot be set with VARS] ******************************
ok: [x1]
ok: [x2]
ok: [x3]
ok: [dut]

TASK [Find device readiness script] ********************************************
ok: [x1]
ok: [x3]
ok: [x2]
ok: [dut]

TASK [Wait for device to become ready] *****************************************
skipping: [dut]
skipping: [x1]
skipping: [x2]
skipping: [x3]

TASK [Normalize config on bridge-like devices] *********************************
included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-module.yml for dut, x1, x2, x3

TASK [Figure out whether to deploy the module normalize on current device] *****
ok: [x1]
ok: [x2]
ok: [x3]
ok: [dut]

TASK [Find configuration template for normalize] *******************************
ok: [x1]
ok: [x3]
ok: [x2]
ok: [dut]

TASK [fail] ********************************************************************
skipping: [dut]
skipping: [x1]
skipping: [x2]
skipping: [x3]

TASK [Print deployed configuration when running in verbose mode] ***************
skipping: [dut]
skipping: [x1]
skipping: [x2]
skipping: [x3]

TASK [Find configuration deployment deploy_script for normalize] ***************
skipping: [dut]
skipping: [x1]
skipping: [x2]
skipping: [x3]

TASK [Deploy normalize configuration] ******************************************
skipping: [dut]
skipping: [x1]
skipping: [x2]
skipping: [x3]

TASK [Deploy initial configuration] ********************************************
included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-module.yml for dut, x1, x2, x3

TASK [Figure out whether to deploy the module initial on current device] *******
ok: [x1]
ok: [x2]
ok: [x3]
ok: [dut]

TASK [Find configuration template for initial] *********************************
ok: [x1]
ok: [x2]
ok: [x3]
ok: [dut]

TASK [fail] ********************************************************************
skipping: [dut]
skipping: [x1]
skipping: [x2]
skipping: [x3]

TASK [Print deployed configuration when running in verbose mode] ***************
ok: [x1] => 
  msg: |-
    initial configuration for x1
    set -e
    set -x
    # Create bash profile script
    cat <<SCRIPT >/root/.bash_profile
    export PS1="\h(bash)# "
    echo "Use vtysh to connect to FRR daemon"
    # Get the current next hop for the default route
    def_nh=$(ip route list default|awk '{ print $3 }')
    # Create the management VRF and add eth0 to it
    if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/mgmt ]; then
      ip link add mgmt type vrf table 42
    ip link set mgmt up
    sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.eth0.keep_addr_on_down=1
    ip link set eth0 master mgmt
    # Reinstall the default route if we had it before
    if [[ -n "$def_nh" ]]; then
      ip route add vrf mgmt via $def_nh
    # Enable FRR modules (if not using containerlab bind-mounted /etc/frr/daemons)
    # Create loopbacks, stub and lag/bond devices
    if [ ! -e /sys/class/net/lo ]; then
      if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo ]; then
        ip link add lo type dummy
        ip link set dev lo up
    # Disable IPv6 (for IPv4-only interfaces) or SLAAC (if the device is a router)
    sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.eth1.disable_ipv6=1
    ip link set dev eth1 mtu 1400
    # Add vtysh.conf file
    echo "service integrated-vtysh-config" >/etc/frr/vtysh.conf
    # Rest of initial configuration done through VTYSH
    cat >/tmp/config <<CONFIG
    hostname x1
    vrf mgmt
    frr defaults datacenter
    interface lo
     no shutdown
     ip address
    interface eth1
     no shutdown
     description [Access VLAN ospf_1] x1 -> dut
     ! no ip address
    interface vlan1000
     no shutdown
     description VLAN ospf_1 (1000) -> [dut]
     ip address
    do write
    vtysh -f /tmp/config
    exit 0
ok: [x3] => 
  msg: |-
    initial configuration for x3
    set -e
    set -x
    # Create bash profile script
    cat <<SCRIPT >/root/.bash_profile
    export PS1="\h(bash)# "
    echo "Use vtysh to connect to FRR daemon"
    # Get the current next hop for the default route
    def_nh=$(ip route list default|awk '{ print $3 }')
    # Create the management VRF and add eth0 to it
    if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/mgmt ]; then
      ip link add mgmt type vrf table 42
    ip link set mgmt up
    sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.eth0.keep_addr_on_down=1
    ip link set eth0 master mgmt
    # Reinstall the default route if we had it before
    if [[ -n "$def_nh" ]]; then
      ip route add vrf mgmt via $def_nh
    # Enable FRR modules (if not using containerlab bind-mounted /etc/frr/daemons)
    # Create loopbacks, stub and lag/bond devices
    if [ ! -e /sys/class/net/lo ]; then
      if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo ]; then
        ip link add lo type dummy
        ip link set dev lo up
    # Disable IPv6 (for IPv4-only interfaces) or SLAAC (if the device is a router)
    sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.eth1.disable_ipv6=1
    ip link set dev eth1 mtu 1500
    # Add vtysh.conf file
    echo "service integrated-vtysh-config" >/etc/frr/vtysh.conf
    # Rest of initial configuration done through VTYSH
    cat >/tmp/config <<CONFIG
    hostname x3
    vrf mgmt
    frr defaults datacenter
    interface lo
     no shutdown
     ip address
    interface eth1
     no shutdown
     description x3 -> dut
     ! no ip address
    interface eth1.1002
     no shutdown
     description [SubIf VLAN ospf_3] x3 -> dut
     ! no ip address
    interface vlan1002
     no shutdown
     description VLAN ospf_3 (1002) -> [dut]
     ip address
    do write
    vtysh -f /tmp/config
    exit 0
ok: [x2] => 
  msg: |-
    initial configuration for x2
    set -e
    set -x
    # Create bash profile script
    cat <<SCRIPT >/root/.bash_profile
    export PS1="\h(bash)# "
    echo "Use vtysh to connect to FRR daemon"
    # Get the current next hop for the default route
    def_nh=$(ip route list default|awk '{ print $3 }')
    # Create the management VRF and add eth0 to it
    if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/mgmt ]; then
      ip link add mgmt type vrf table 42
    ip link set mgmt up
    sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.eth0.keep_addr_on_down=1
    ip link set eth0 master mgmt
    # Reinstall the default route if we had it before
    if [[ -n "$def_nh" ]]; then
      ip route add vrf mgmt via $def_nh
    # Enable FRR modules (if not using containerlab bind-mounted /etc/frr/daemons)
    # Create loopbacks, stub and lag/bond devices
    if [ ! -e /sys/class/net/lo ]; then
      if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo ]; then
        ip link add lo type dummy
        ip link set dev lo up
    # Disable IPv6 (for IPv4-only interfaces) or SLAAC (if the device is a router)
    sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.eth1.disable_ipv6=1
    ip link set dev eth1 mtu 1280
    # Add vtysh.conf file
    echo "service integrated-vtysh-config" >/etc/frr/vtysh.conf
    # Rest of initial configuration done through VTYSH
    cat >/tmp/config <<CONFIG
    hostname x2
    vrf mgmt
    frr defaults datacenter
    interface lo
     no shutdown
     ip address
    interface eth1
     no shutdown
     description [Access VLAN ospf_2] x2 -> dut
     ! no ip address
    interface vlan1001
     no shutdown
     description VLAN ospf_2 (1001) -> [dut]
     ip address
    do write
    vtysh -f /tmp/config
    exit 0
ok: [dut] => 
  msg: |-
    initial configuration for dut
    hostname dut
    no ip domain lookup
    lldp run
    ip host x1
    ip host x2
    ip host x3
    ip routing
    interface Loopback0
     ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet1
     no lldp transmit
     no lldp receive
    interface GigabitEthernet2
     description dut -> x3
     no shutdown
    interface GigabitEthernet3
     description [Access VLAN ospf_1] dut -> x1
     no shutdown
    interface GigabitEthernet4
     description [Access VLAN ospf_2] dut -> x2
     no shutdown
    interface BDI1000
     description VLAN ospf_1 (1000) -> [x1]
     ip mtu 1400
     ip address
     no shutdown
    interface BDI1001
     description VLAN ospf_2 (1001) -> [x2]
     ip mtu 1280
     ip address
     no shutdown
    interface BDI1002
     description VLAN ospf_3 (1002) -> [x3]
     ip mtu 1320
     ip address
     no shutdown
    line vty 0 4
     exec-timeout 0 0
    no banner exec
    no banner login
    no banner incoming

TASK [Find configuration deployment deploy_script for initial] *****************
ok: [x1]
ok: [x2]
ok: [x3]
ok: [dut]

TASK [Deploy initial configuration] ********************************************
included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/ios.yml for dut
included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/frr/initial-clab.yml for x1, x2, x3

TASK [ios_config: deploying initial from /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/templates/initial/ios.j2] ***
[WARNING]: To ensure idempotency and correct diff the input configuration lines
should be similar to how they appear if present in the running configuration on
device including the indentation
changed: [dut]

TASK [Attempt to load VRF kernel module] ***************************************
changed: [x1 -> localhost]

TASK [Disable FRR management VRF when modprobe fails] **************************
skipping: [x1]
skipping: [x2]
skipping: [x3]

TASK [include_tasks] ***********************************************************
included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/frr/deploy-config.yml for x1, x2, x3

TASK [template] ****************************************************************
changed: [x1]
changed: [x3]
changed: [x2]

TASK [set_fact] ****************************************************************
ok: [x1]
ok: [x2]
ok: [x3]

TASK [run /tmp/config.sh to deploy initial config from /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/templates/initial/frr.j2] ***
changed: [x2]
changed: [x1]
changed: [x3]

TASK [run vtysh to import initial config from /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/templates/initial/frr.j2] ***
skipping: [x1]
skipping: [x2]
skipping: [x3]

PLAY [Deploy module-specific configurations] ***********************************

TASK [Set variables that cannot be set with VARS] ******************************
ok: [x1]
ok: [x2]
ok: [x3]
ok: [dut]

TASK [Deploy individual configuration modules] *********************************
included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-module.yml for dut, x1, x2, x3 => (item=vlan)
included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-module.yml for dut, x1, x2, x3 => (item=ospf)

TASK [Figure out whether to deploy the module vlan on current device] **********
ok: [x1]
ok: [x2]
ok: [x3]
ok: [dut]

TASK [Find configuration template for vlan] ************************************
ok: [x2]
ok: [x1]
ok: [x3]
ok: [dut]

TASK [fail] ********************************************************************
skipping: [dut]
skipping: [x1]
skipping: [x2]
skipping: [x3]

TASK [Print deployed configuration when running in verbose mode] ***************
ok: [x1] => 
  msg: |-
    vlan configuration for x1
    set -e # Exit immediately when any command fails
    if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/vlan1000 ]; then
      brctl addbr vlan1000
      ip link set dev vlan1000 address 52:dc:ca:fd:02:00
      ip link set dev vlan1000 mtu 1400
      ip addr flush dev vlan1000
      ip addr add dev vlan1000
    brctl addif vlan1000 eth1
    ip link set dev vlan1000 up
    exit 0
ok: [x3] => 
  msg: |-
    vlan configuration for x3
    set -e # Exit immediately when any command fails
    if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/eth1.1002 ]; then
      ip link add link eth1 name eth1.1002 type vlan id 1002
      ip link set dev eth1.1002 up
    if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/vlan1002 ]; then
      brctl addbr vlan1002
      ip link set dev vlan1002 address 52:dc:ca:fd:04:00
      ip link set dev vlan1002 mtu 1320
      ip addr flush dev vlan1002
      ip addr add dev vlan1002
    brctl addif vlan1002 eth1.1002
    ip link set dev vlan1002 up
    exit 0
ok: [x2] => 
  msg: |-
    vlan configuration for x2
    set -e # Exit immediately when any command fails
    if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/vlan1001 ]; then
      brctl addbr vlan1001
      ip link set dev vlan1001 address 52:dc:ca:fd:03:00
      ip link set dev vlan1001 mtu 1280
      ip addr flush dev vlan1001
      ip addr add dev vlan1001
    brctl addif vlan1001 eth1
    ip link set dev vlan1001 up
    exit 0
ok: [dut] => 
  msg: |-
    vlan configuration for dut
    bridge-domain 1000
     member GigabitEthernet3 service-instance 1000
    bridge-domain 1001
     member GigabitEthernet4 service-instance 1001
    bridge-domain 1002
     member GigabitEthernet2 service-instance 1002
    interface GigabitEthernet2
     service instance 1002 ethernet
      encapsulation dot1q 1002
      rewrite ingress tag pop 1
      rewrite egress tag push dot1q 1002
    interface GigabitEthernet3
     service instance 1000 ethernet
      encapsulation untagged
    interface GigabitEthernet4
     service instance 1001 ethernet
      encapsulation untagged

TASK [Find configuration deployment deploy_script for vlan] ********************
ok: [x1]
ok: [x3]
ok: [x2]
ok: [dut]

TASK [Deploy vlan configuration] ***********************************************
included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/ios.yml for dut
included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/frr.yml for x1, x2, x3

TASK [ios_config: deploying vlan from /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/templates/vlan/csr.j2] ***
changed: [dut]

TASK [template] ****************************************************************
changed: [x2]
changed: [x1]
changed: [x3]

TASK [set_fact] ****************************************************************
ok: [x1]
ok: [x2]
ok: [x3]

TASK [run /tmp/config.sh to deploy vlan config from /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/templates/vlan/frr.j2] ***
changed: [x1]
changed: [x2]
changed: [x3]

TASK [run vtysh to import vlan config from /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/templates/vlan/frr.j2] ***
skipping: [x1]
skipping: [x2]
skipping: [x3]

TASK [Figure out whether to deploy the module ospf on current device] **********
ok: [x1]
ok: [x2]
ok: [x3]
ok: [dut]

TASK [Find configuration template for ospf] ************************************
ok: [x1]
ok: [x2]
ok: [x3]
ok: [dut]

TASK [fail] ********************************************************************
skipping: [dut]
skipping: [x1]
skipping: [x2]
skipping: [x3]

TASK [Print deployed configuration when running in verbose mode] ***************
ok: [x1] => 
  msg: |-
    ospf configuration for x1
    ! OSPFv2 FRR configuration
    router ospf
     ospf router-id
     timers throttle spf 10 50 500
     timers throttle lsa all 100
     timers lsa min-arrival 100
    interface lo
     ip ospf area
    interface vlan1000
    ! VLAN ospf_1 (1000) -> [dut]
     ip ospf area
     ip ospf network point-to-point
    do write
ok: [x2] => 
  msg: |-
    ospf configuration for x2
    ! OSPFv2 FRR configuration
    router ospf
     ospf router-id
     timers throttle spf 10 50 500
     timers throttle lsa all 100
     timers lsa min-arrival 100
    interface lo
     ip ospf area
    interface vlan1001
    ! VLAN ospf_2 (1001) -> [dut]
     ip ospf area
     ip ospf network point-to-point
    do write
ok: [x3] => 
  msg: |-
    ospf configuration for x3
    ! OSPFv2 FRR configuration
    router ospf
     ospf router-id
     timers throttle spf 10 50 500
     timers throttle lsa all 100
     timers lsa min-arrival 100
    interface lo
     ip ospf area
    interface vlan1002
    ! VLAN ospf_3 (1002) -> [dut]
     ip ospf area
     ip ospf network point-to-point
    do write
ok: [dut] => 
  msg: |-
    ospf configuration for dut
    router ospf 1
    interface Loopback0
     ip ospf 1 area
    interface BDI1000
    ! VLAN ospf_1 (1000) -> [x1]
     ip ospf 1 area
     ip ospf network point-to-point
    interface BDI1001
    ! VLAN ospf_2 (1001) -> [x2]
     ip ospf 1 area
     ip ospf network point-to-point
    interface BDI1002
    ! VLAN ospf_3 (1002) -> [x3]
     ip ospf 1 area
     ip ospf network point-to-point

TASK [Find configuration deployment deploy_script for ospf] ********************
ok: [x1]
ok: [x2]
ok: [x3]
ok: [dut]

TASK [Deploy ospf configuration] ***********************************************
included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/ios.yml for dut
included: /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/frr.yml for x1, x2, x3

TASK [ios_config: deploying ospf from /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/templates/ospf/ios.j2] ***
changed: [dut]

TASK [template] ****************************************************************
changed: [x2]
changed: [x1]
changed: [x3]

TASK [set_fact] ****************************************************************
ok: [x1]
ok: [x2]
ok: [x3]

TASK [run /tmp/config.sh to deploy ospf config from /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/templates/ospf/frr.j2] ***
skipping: [x1]
skipping: [x2]
skipping: [x3]

TASK [run vtysh to import ospf config from /home/pipi/net101/tools/netsim/ansible/templates/ospf/frr.j2] ***
changed: [x2]
changed: [x3]
changed: [x1]

PLAY [Deploy custom deployment templates] **************************************
skipping: no hosts matched

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
dut                        : ok=27   changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=8    rescued=0    ignored=0   
x1                         : ok=35   changed=7    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=12   rescued=0    ignored=0   
x2                         : ok=34   changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=12   rescued=0    ignored=0   
x3                         : ok=34   changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=12   rescued=0    ignored=0   

This lab tests OSPF adjacencies on VLAN interfaces and trunks with non-default
MTU settings. The adjacency establishment could fail due to MTU mismatch.

Failure to establish X2-DUT adjacency means that the VLAN interface does not
get the correct MTU. Failure to establish X1-DUT adjacency indicates a
potential problem with system MTU. Failure to establish X3-DUT adjacency
indicates the MTU is not set correctly on VLAN/SVI interface.