[WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: unprovisioned [WARNING]: Found variable using reserved name: hosts PLAY [Deploy initial device configuration] ************************************* TASK [Set variables that cannot be set with VARS] ****************************** ok: [l1] ok: [l2] ok: [spine] ok: [h1] ok: [h2] TASK [Find device readiness script] ******************************************** ok: [l1] ok: [l2] ok: [spine] ok: [h1] ok: [h2] TASK [Wait for device to become ready] ***************************************** skipping: [l1] skipping: [l2] skipping: [spine] skipping: [h1] skipping: [h2] TASK [Normalize config on bridge-like devices] ********************************* included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-module.yml for l1, l2, spine, h1, h2 TASK [Figure out whether to deploy the module normalize on current device] ***** ok: [l1] ok: [spine] ok: [l2] ok: [h1] ok: [h2] TASK [Find configuration template for normalize] ******************************* ok: [l1] ok: [l2] ok: [spine] ok: [h2] ok: [h1] TASK [fail] ******************************************************************** skipping: [l1] skipping: [l2] skipping: [spine] skipping: [h1] skipping: [h2] TASK [Find configuration deployment deploy_script for normalize] *************** ok: [l1] ok: [l2] ok: [spine] ok: [h1] ok: [h2] TASK [Print deployed configuration when running in verbose mode] *************** skipping: [l1] skipping: [l2] skipping: [spine] skipping: [h1] skipping: [h2] TASK [Deploy normalize configuration] ****************************************** skipping: [l1] skipping: [l2] skipping: [spine] skipping: [h1] skipping: [h2] TASK [Deploy initial configuration] ******************************************** included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-module.yml for l1, l2, spine, h1, h2 TASK [Figure out whether to deploy the module initial on current device] ******* ok: [l1] ok: [spine] ok: [l2] ok: [h1] ok: [h2] TASK [Find configuration template for initial] ********************************* ok: [l1] ok: [spine] ok: [l2] ok: [h1] ok: [h2] TASK [fail] ******************************************************************** skipping: [l1] skipping: [l2] skipping: [spine] skipping: [h1] skipping: [h2] TASK [Find configuration deployment deploy_script for initial] ***************** ok: [l1] ok: [l2] ok: [spine] ok: [h1] ok: [h2] TASK [Print deployed configuration when running in verbose mode] *************** ok: [h1] => msg: |- initial configuration for h1 ========================================= #!/bin/bash # # This script contains the 'ip' commands needed to set up container # interfaces and route table. It's executed within the container # network namespace on the container host. # # /etc/hosts file is generated as a clab bind. # set -e ### One-Shot configuration (non-Ubuntu VM or container) # # Disable IPv4 and IPv6 forwarding # sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=0 sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=0 # # Interface addressing, create any bond devices # ip link set dev eth1 up set +e ip addr del dev eth1 2>/dev/null set -e ip addr add dev eth1 ip link set dev eth1 mtu 1500 # # Add static routes (usually IPv4 routes pointing to the first usable gateway) # # # # # Print the final routing table ip route ok: [l1] => msg: |- initial configuration for l1 ========================================= - set: system: hostname: l1 config: snippet: system-mtu: file: /etc/network/ifupdown2/policy.d/mtu.json content: | { "address": { "defaults": { "mtu": "1500" } } } interface: eth0: ip: vrf: mgmt address: dhcp: {} type: eth swp1: type: swp link: mtu: 1600 state: up : {} description: "l1 -> spine" ip: address: {} ipv6: enable: off swp2: type: swp link: state: up : {} description: "[Access VLAN red] l1 -> h1" ip: ipv6: enable: off vlan1000: type: svi link: state: up : {} description: "VLAN red (1000) -> [h1,h2,l2]" ip: ipv6: enable: off - set: interface: lo: type: loopback ip: address: {} ipv6: enable: off ok: [spine] => msg: |- initial configuration for spine ========================================= - set: system: hostname: spine config: snippet: system-mtu: file: /etc/network/ifupdown2/policy.d/mtu.json content: | { "address": { "defaults": { "mtu": "1500" } } } interface: eth0: ip: vrf: mgmt address: dhcp: {} type: eth swp1: type: swp link: mtu: 1600 state: up : {} description: "spine -> l1" ip: address: {} ipv6: enable: off swp2: type: swp link: mtu: 1600 state: up : {} description: "spine -> l2" ip: address: {} ipv6: enable: off - set: interface: lo: type: loopback ip: address: {} ipv6: enable: off ok: [h2] => msg: |- initial configuration for h2 ========================================= #!/bin/bash # # This script contains the 'ip' commands needed to set up container # interfaces and route table. It's executed within the container # network namespace on the container host. # # /etc/hosts file is generated as a clab bind. # set -e ### One-Shot configuration (non-Ubuntu VM or container) # # Disable IPv4 and IPv6 forwarding # sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=0 sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=0 # # Interface addressing, create any bond devices # ip link set dev eth1 up set +e ip addr del dev eth1 2>/dev/null set -e ip addr add dev eth1 ip link set dev eth1 mtu 1500 # # Add static routes (usually IPv4 routes pointing to the first usable gateway) # # # # # Print the final routing table ip route ok: [l2] => msg: |- initial configuration for l2 ========================================= #!/bin/bash # set -e set -x # # Create bash profile script # cat <<SCRIPT >/root/.bash_profile #!/bin/bash # export PS1="\h(bash)# " echo echo "Use vtysh to connect to FRR daemon" echo SCRIPT # # Get the current next hop for the default route # def_nh=$(ip route list default|awk '{ print $3 }') # # Create the management VRF and add eth0 to it # if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/mgmt ]; then ip link add mgmt type vrf table 42 fi ip link set mgmt up sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.eth0.keep_addr_on_down=1 ip link set eth0 master mgmt # # Reinstall the default route if we had it before # if [[ -n "$def_nh" ]]; then ip route add vrf mgmt via $def_nh fi # # Enable FRR modules (if not using containerlab bind-mounted /etc/frr/daemons) # # # Create loopbacks, stub and lag/bond devices # if [ ! -e /sys/class/net/lo ]; then if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo ]; then ip link add lo type dummy ip link set dev lo up fi fi # Disable IPv6 (for IPv4-only interfaces) or SLAAC (if the device is a router) # sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.eth1.disable_ipv6=1 ip link set dev eth1 mtu 1600 sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.eth2.disable_ipv6=1 ip link set dev eth2 mtu 1500 # # Add vtysh.conf file echo "service integrated-vtysh-config" >/etc/frr/vtysh.conf # # Rest of initial configuration done through VTYSH # cat >/tmp/config <<CONFIG hostname l2 ! vrf mgmt exit-vrf ! frr defaults datacenter ! interface lo no shutdown ip address ! interface eth1 no shutdown description l2 -> spine ip address ! interface eth2 no shutdown description [Access VLAN red] l2 -> h2 ! no ip address ! interface vlan1000 no shutdown description VLAN red (1000) -> [h1,l1,h2] ! no ip address ! do write CONFIG vtysh -f /tmp/config exit 0 TASK [Deploy initial configuration] ******************************************** included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/cumulus_nvue.yml for l1, spine included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/frr/initial-clab.yml for l2 included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/linux-clab.yml for h1, h2 TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l1] ok: [spine] TASK [copy the cumulus nvue YAML initial config file to switch (generated from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/initial/cumulus_nvue.j2)] *** changed: [l1] changed: [spine] TASK [Wait for nvued to start] ************************************************* ok: [l1] ok: [spine] TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l1] ok: [spine] TASK [execute on cumulus: 'nv config patch' for initial config] **************** changed: [spine] changed: [l1] TASK [execute on cumulus: 'nv config apply -y' for initial config] ************* changed: [spine] changed: [l1] TASK [Attempt to load VRF kernel module] *************************************** changed: [l2 -> localhost] TASK [Disable FRR management VRF when modprobe fails] ************************** skipping: [l2] TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/frr/deploy-config.yml for l2 TASK [template] **************************************************************** changed: [l2] TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l2] TASK [run /tmp/config.sh to deploy initial config from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/initial/frr.j2] *** changed: [l2] TASK [run vtysh to import initial config from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/initial/frr.j2] *** skipping: [l2] TASK [Define script filename and determine whether to execute in netns] ******** ok: [h1] ok: [h2] TASK [Create a temporary file for the rendered script] ************************* changed: [h1 -> localhost] changed: [h2 -> localhost] TASK [Create container setup script from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/initial/linux-clab.j2] *** changed: [h1 -> localhost] changed: [h2 -> localhost] TASK [Copy script into running container at /tmp/config-h1_initial.sh] ********* skipping: [h1] skipping: [h2] TASK [Execute /tmp/config-h1_initial.sh to deploy initial config based on /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/initial/linux-clab.j2] *** skipping: [h1] skipping: [h2] TASK [Container configuration for initial based on /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/initial/linux-clab.j2 executed in netns] *** changed: [h1 -> localhost] changed: [h2 -> localhost] TASK [Remove temporary file /tmp/h1_initial-qr52dwec.sh] *********************** changed: [h2 -> localhost] changed: [h1 -> localhost] PLAY [Deploy module-specific configurations] *********************************** TASK [Set variables that cannot be set with VARS] ****************************** ok: [l1] ok: [l2] ok: [spine] TASK [Deploy individual configuration modules] ********************************* included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-module.yml for l1, l2, spine => (item=vlan) included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-module.yml for l1, l2, spine => (item=bgp) included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-module.yml for l1, l2, spine => (item=vxlan) included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-module.yml for l1, l2, spine => (item=evpn) TASK [Figure out whether to deploy the module vlan on current device] ********** ok: [l1] ok: [l2] ok: [spine] TASK [Find configuration template for vlan] ************************************ skipping: [spine] ok: [l1] ok: [l2] TASK [fail] ******************************************************************** skipping: [l1] skipping: [l2] skipping: [spine] TASK [Find configuration deployment deploy_script for vlan] ******************** skipping: [spine] ok: [l1] ok: [l2] TASK [Print deployed configuration when running in verbose mode] *************** skipping: [spine] ok: [l2] => msg: |- vlan configuration for l2 ========================================= #!/bin/bash # set -e # Exit immediately when any command fails # if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/vlan1000 ]; then brctl addbr vlan1000 ip link set dev vlan1000 address 52:dc:ca:fd:04:00 ip addr flush dev vlan1000 fi brctl addif vlan1000 eth2 ip link set dev vlan1000 up exit 0 ok: [l1] => msg: |- vlan configuration for l1 ========================================= - set: bridge: domain: br_default: type: vlan-aware untagged: none vlan: '1000': {} - set: interface: swp2: bridge: domain: br_default: access: 1000 TASK [Deploy vlan configuration] *********************************************** skipping: [spine] included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/cumulus_nvue.yml for l1 included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/frr.yml for l2 TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l1] TASK [copy the cumulus nvue YAML vlan config file to switch (generated from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/vlan/cumulus_nvue.j2)] *** changed: [l1] TASK [Wait for nvued to start] ************************************************* skipping: [l1] TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l1] TASK [execute on cumulus: 'nv config patch' for vlan config] ******************* changed: [l1] TASK [execute on cumulus: 'nv config apply -y' for vlan config] **************** changed: [l1] TASK [template] **************************************************************** changed: [l2] TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l2] TASK [run /tmp/config.sh to deploy vlan config from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/vlan/frr.j2] *** changed: [l2] TASK [run vtysh to import vlan config from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/vlan/frr.j2] *** skipping: [l2] TASK [Figure out whether to deploy the module bgp on current device] *********** ok: [l1] ok: [l2] ok: [spine] TASK [Find configuration template for bgp] ************************************* ok: [l1] ok: [l2] ok: [spine] TASK [fail] ******************************************************************** skipping: [l1] skipping: [l2] skipping: [spine] TASK [Find configuration deployment deploy_script for bgp] ********************* ok: [l1] ok: [l2] ok: [spine] TASK [Print deployed configuration when running in verbose mode] *************** ok: [l2] => msg: |- bgp configuration for l2 ========================================= ! router bgp 65000 no bgp ebgp-requires-policy no bgp default ipv4-unicast bgp default show-hostname bgp default show-nexthop-hostname ! Consider AS paths of same length but with different AS as ECMP candidates bgp bestpath as-path multipath-relax bgp router-id ! neighbor remote-as 65000 neighbor description spine neighbor update-source lo ! neighbor remote-as 65100 neighbor description spine neighbor local-as 65202 no-prepend replace-as ! address-family ipv4 unicast ! ! network ! ! ! neighbor activate no neighbor send-community all neighbor send-community standard neighbor send-community large ! ! ! do write ok: [l1] => msg: |- bgp configuration for l1 ========================================= - set: router: bgp: enable: on autonomous-system: 65000 router-id: - set: vrf: default: router: bgp: enable: on autonomous-system: 65000 router-id: address-family: ipv4-unicast: enable: on network: {} neighbor: description: "spine" update-source: lo remote-as: internal address-family: ipv4-unicast: enable: off nexthop-setting: self community-advertise: regular: on extended: on large: off description: "spine" remote-as: 65100 local-as: asn: 65201 enable: on replace: on prepend: off address-family: ipv4-unicast: enable: on community-advertise: regular: on extended: off large: off ok: [spine] => msg: |- bgp configuration for spine ========================================= - set: router: bgp: enable: on autonomous-system: 65000 router-id: - set: vrf: default: router: bgp: enable: on autonomous-system: 65000 router-id: route-reflection: enable: on cluster-id: address-family: ipv4-unicast: enable: on network: {} neighbor: description: "l1" update-source: lo remote-as: internal address-family: ipv4-unicast: enable: off nexthop-setting: self route-reflector-client: on community-advertise: regular: on extended: on large: off description: "l2" update-source: lo remote-as: internal address-family: ipv4-unicast: enable: off nexthop-setting: self route-reflector-client: on community-advertise: regular: on extended: on large: off description: "l1" remote-as: 65201 local-as: asn: 65100 enable: on replace: on prepend: off address-family: ipv4-unicast: enable: on community-advertise: regular: on extended: off large: off description: "l2" remote-as: 65202 local-as: asn: 65100 enable: on replace: on prepend: off address-family: ipv4-unicast: enable: on community-advertise: regular: on extended: off large: off TASK [Deploy bgp configuration] ************************************************ included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/cumulus_nvue.yml for l1, spine included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/frr.yml for l2 TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l1] ok: [spine] TASK [copy the cumulus nvue YAML bgp config file to switch (generated from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/bgp/cumulus_nvue.j2)] *** changed: [l1] changed: [spine] TASK [Wait for nvued to start] ************************************************* skipping: [l1] skipping: [spine] TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l1] ok: [spine] TASK [execute on cumulus: 'nv config patch' for bgp config] ******************** changed: [l1] changed: [spine] TASK [execute on cumulus: 'nv config apply -y' for bgp config] ***************** changed: [spine] changed: [l1] TASK [template] **************************************************************** changed: [l2] TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l2] TASK [run /tmp/config.sh to deploy bgp config from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/bgp/frr.j2] *** skipping: [l2] TASK [run vtysh to import bgp config from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/bgp/frr.j2] *** changed: [l2] TASK [Figure out whether to deploy the module vxlan on current device] ********* ok: [l1] ok: [l2] ok: [spine] TASK [Find configuration template for vxlan] *********************************** ok: [l1] skipping: [spine] ok: [l2] TASK [fail] ******************************************************************** skipping: [l1] skipping: [l2] skipping: [spine] TASK [Find configuration deployment deploy_script for vxlan] ******************* skipping: [spine] ok: [l1] ok: [l2] TASK [Print deployed configuration when running in verbose mode] *************** skipping: [spine] ok: [l1] => msg: |- vxlan configuration for l1 ========================================= - set: nve: vxlan: enable: on mac-learning: off source: address: - set: bridge: domain: br_default: vlan: '1000': vni: '1000': {} ok: [l2] => msg: |- vxlan configuration for l2 ========================================= #!/bin/bash # set -e # Exit immediately when any command fails # # Create L3 VNIs with bridges and add to correct vrf table # Create VXLAN L2 interface per vni ip link add vxlan1000 type vxlan \ id 1000 \ dstport 4789 \ local nolearning # # Add it to the VLAN bridge (create if needed for l3 vnis); disable STP if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/vlan1000 ]; then brctl addbr vlan1000 ip link set up dev vlan1000 fi brctl addif vlan1000 vxlan1000 brctl stp vlan1000 off # Do not generate ipv6 link-local address for VXLAN devices ip link set mtu 1500 addrgenmode none dev vxlan1000 # Disable dynamic MAC learning for evpn, see https://docs.frrouting.org/en/latest/evpn.html bridge link set dev vxlan1000 learning off ip link set up dev vxlan1000 exit $? TASK [Deploy vxlan configuration] ********************************************** skipping: [spine] included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/cumulus_nvue.yml for l1 included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/frr.yml for l2 TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l1] TASK [copy the cumulus nvue YAML vxlan config file to switch (generated from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/vxlan/cumulus_nvue.j2)] *** changed: [l1] TASK [Wait for nvued to start] ************************************************* skipping: [l1] TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l1] TASK [execute on cumulus: 'nv config patch' for vxlan config] ****************** changed: [l1] TASK [execute on cumulus: 'nv config apply -y' for vxlan config] *************** changed: [l1] TASK [template] **************************************************************** changed: [l2] TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l2] TASK [run /tmp/config.sh to deploy vxlan config from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/vxlan/frr.j2] *** changed: [l2] TASK [run vtysh to import vxlan config from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/vxlan/frr.j2] *** skipping: [l2] TASK [Figure out whether to deploy the module evpn on current device] ********** ok: [l1] ok: [l2] ok: [spine] TASK [Find configuration template for evpn] ************************************ ok: [l1] ok: [l2] ok: [spine] TASK [fail] ******************************************************************** skipping: [l1] skipping: [l2] skipping: [spine] TASK [Find configuration deployment deploy_script for evpn] ******************** ok: [l1] ok: [l2] ok: [spine] TASK [Print deployed configuration when running in verbose mode] *************** ok: [l2] => msg: |- evpn configuration for l2 ========================================= #!/bin/bash # set -e cat >/tmp/evpn_config <<CONFIG router bgp 65000 address-family l2vpn evpn advertise-all-vni advertise-svi-ip advertise ipv4 unicast ! Configure explicit Route Targets and RD per L2 VNI; auto-derived differs vni 1000 rd route-target export 65000:1000 route-target import 65000:1000 exit-vni neighbor activate neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound exit-address-family ! exit ! L3 VRF EVPN handling ! do write CONFIG vtysh -f /tmp/evpn_config vtysh -c 'clear bgp *' ok: [l1] => msg: |- evpn configuration for l1 ========================================= --- - set: vrf: default: router: bgp: address-family: l2vpn-evpn: enable: on ipv4-unicast: route-export: to-evpn: enable: on neighbor: address-family: l2vpn-evpn: enable: on soft-reconfiguration: on - set: system: config: snippet: frr.conf: | router bgp 65000 address-family l2vpn evpn advertise ipv4 unicast - set: evpn: enable: on # dad Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) configuration parameters # mac-vrf-soo EVPN MAC VRF Site-of-Origin VPN extended community in ASN:NN or IP-ADDRESS:NN format. # multihoming Multihoming global configuration parameters # route-advertise Route advertising route-advertise: nexthop-setting: system-ip-mac svi-ip: on # vni VNI vni: '1000': rd: # not 'auto' route-target: export: '65000:1000': {} import: '65000:1000': {} - set: nve: vxlan: mac-learning: off flooding: enable: on head-end-replication: evpn: {} ok: [spine] => msg: |- evpn configuration for spine ========================================= --- - set: vrf: default: router: bgp: address-family: l2vpn-evpn: enable: on ipv4-unicast: route-export: to-evpn: enable: on neighbor: address-family: l2vpn-evpn: enable: on soft-reconfiguration: on route-reflector-client: on address-family: l2vpn-evpn: enable: on soft-reconfiguration: on route-reflector-client: on - set: system: config: snippet: frr.conf: | router bgp 65000 address-family l2vpn evpn advertise ipv4 unicast - set: evpn: enable: on # dad Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) configuration parameters # mac-vrf-soo EVPN MAC VRF Site-of-Origin VPN extended community in ASN:NN or IP-ADDRESS:NN format. # multihoming Multihoming global configuration parameters # route-advertise Route advertising route-advertise: nexthop-setting: system-ip-mac svi-ip: on # vni VNI TASK [Deploy evpn configuration] *********************************************** included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/cumulus_nvue.yml for l1, spine included: /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/tasks/deploy-config/frr.yml for l2 TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l1] ok: [spine] TASK [copy the cumulus nvue YAML evpn config file to switch (generated from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/evpn/cumulus_nvue.j2)] *** changed: [l1] changed: [spine] TASK [Wait for nvued to start] ************************************************* skipping: [l1] skipping: [spine] TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l1] ok: [spine] TASK [execute on cumulus: 'nv config patch' for evpn config] ******************* changed: [spine] changed: [l1] TASK [execute on cumulus: 'nv config apply -y' for evpn config] **************** changed: [l1] changed: [spine] TASK [template] **************************************************************** changed: [l2] TASK [set_fact] **************************************************************** ok: [l2] TASK [run /tmp/config.sh to deploy evpn config from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/evpn/frr.j2] *** changed: [l2] TASK [run vtysh to import evpn config from /home/pipi/netlab_gh/netsim/ansible/templates/evpn/frr.j2] *** skipping: [l2] PLAY [Deploy custom deployment templates] ************************************** skipping: no hosts matched PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* h1 : ok=17 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=7 rescued=0 ignored=0 h2 : ok=17 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=7 rescued=0 ignored=0 l1 : ok=63 changed=15 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=13 rescued=0 ignored=0 l2 : ok=54 changed=11 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=15 rescued=0 ignored=0 spine : ok=45 changed=9 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=19 rescued=0 ignored=0 The devices under test are an EVPN PE-device and an EVPN route reflector. The PE-device should originate EVPN routes with correct next-hop and the RR should propagate EVPN AF routes between PE-devices, resulting in VXLAN-based VLAN extension. However, the core routing protocol is not OSPF but EBGP faked with BGP local-as settings. The overall design is thus EVPN IBGP between loopbacks running over IPv4 EBGP. * h1 and h2 should be able to ping each other Please note it might take a while for the lab to work due to STP learning phase