[vlan_blue] Starting test [ node(s): x1 ] [WAITING] Waiting for STP (VLAN blue) (retrying for 40 seconds) [PASS] Validation succeeded on x1 [PASS] Succeeded in 1.4 seconds [PASS] DUT is the root of the VLAN 76 spanning tree [vlan_red] Starting test [ node(s): x1 ] [PASS] Validation succeeded on x1 [PASS] X2 is the root of the VLAN 42 spanning tree [bpdu_drop] Starting test [ node(s): x1 ] [WAITING] Waiting for STP (VLAN red) (retrying for 20 seconds) [WAITING] Waiting for STP (VLAN red) (3 seconds left) [PASS] Validation succeeded on x1 [PASS] Succeeded in 19.6 seconds [PASS] X1-DUT link is forwarding. [SUCCESS] Tests passed: 3